OH, and a Special Note to "Kaylene1943": I'm not sure about an "Inner Sanctum" show that featured a "cat/woman" as you described, BUT one of the most famous Episodes of Arch Obler's "Lights Out" was called "Cat Wife" and had a scenario much like you stated.

This is one of the All-TIme B-E-S-T Radio Series to ever hit the Airwaves.and if I could give it 6 Stars I would ! My favorites include: "Death For Sale" with Boris Karloff, "Terror By Night" starring Agnes Moorehead, and "The Corpse In The Cab" with Leon Janney as the Cab Driver. I used many of the "Inner Sanctum" shows on my syndicated Morning Feature "The Breakfast Serial" through the years.and the audiences loved each and everyone ! Hyman Brown's producing/directing of the show, that used the Opening Sound Effects of the "Creaking Door",that was actually in the basemnent to the Network, was a stroke of genius ! And, the addition of "Raymond" as the Host sealed the deal ! The "Inner Sanctum" Series was one of the most unique ever created in the early days of OTR.