Download Wireshark 4.0.6
Download Wireshark 4.0.6

Wireshark 4.0.With the current release, the latest version of Wireshark is 4.0.6. Wireshark 4.0.6 voor macOS (Intel, 64bit) Media types no longer need to be lower cased before registering or looking up in the table. The media type dissector table now properly treats media types and subtypes as case-insensitive automatically, per RFC 6838.

  • "Follow → QUIC Stream" mixes data between streams.
  • USB HID parser shows wrong label for usages Rx/Vx/Vbrx of usage page Generic Desktop Control.
  • Wireshark can’t save this capture in that format.
  • When filtering the _identifier or _identifier field is interpreted as 1 byte whereas it consists of 2 bytes.
  • download Wireshark 4.0.6

  • radiotap-gen build fails if pcap is not found.
  • Opening Wireshark with -z io,stat option.
  • Add warning that capturing is not supported in Wireshark installed from flatpak.
  • SRT values are incorrect when applying a time shift.
  • application/3gppHal+json, as case-insensitive.
  • The media_type table should treat media types, e.g.
  • Conversations list has incorrect unit (bytes) in bit speed columns in the 3.7 development versions.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-20 XRA dissector infinite loop.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-19 IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasor dissector crash.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-18 RTPS dissector crash.
  • download Wireshark 4.0.6

  • wnpa-sec-2023-17 BLF file parser crash.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-16 VMS TCPIPtrace file parser crash.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-15 NetScaler file parser crash.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-14 GDSDB dissector infinite loop.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-13 BLF file parser crash.
  • wnpa-sec-2023-12 Candump log file parser crash.
  • In deze uitgave zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: The following vulnerabilities have been fixed: Vanaf versie 4.0 zijn er geen 32bit-uitvoeringen meer beschikbaar. De broncode is beschikbaar voor gebruik op Linux, Solaris en *BSD. Wireshark is te downloaden voor 64bit-uitvoeringen van Windows en macOS. Ook kan het programma eerder opgeslagen dataverkeer als invoer gebruiken. Met dit programma kunnen verschillende datapakketten en netwerkprotocollen op het netwerk worden geanalyseerd. Versie 4.0.6 van de opensource-protocol-analyzer en -packetsniffer Wireshark is uitgekomen.

    Download Wireshark 4.0.6